Custom Furniture and Home Decor

Welcome to Antique Home Decors: Your Vision, Our Craftsmanship!

At Antique Home Decors, we believe that you, as the homeowner, possess a unique understanding of your furniture needs. That’s why we offer a personalized design-to-manufacturing experience, putting you in the design driver’s seat. With our services, you have the ability to customize every detail—be it dimensions, size, color, or texture.

As a factory-direct business, we have the advantage of overseeing every stage of production, ensuring that each item not only meets your specifications but also maintains the highest standards of affordability and quality. We’re committed to transforming your creative ideas into tangible, beautiful, and functional pieces that perfectly complement your space.

Discover the joy of custom-designed home decor and furniture with Antique Home Decors. Your dream space, crafted by your imagination, brought to life by our expertise.


Reach out to us on WhatsApp at +91 9782425489 to get your piece customised.